The Shield of Faith
Giving God the Glory
The Shield of Faith is something we must pick up daily in order to ward off the flaming arrows of the evil one. My life has been filled with bumps and bruises, grief and addiction but my passion now is pointing others to a Christ that loves and protects. My biggest wish is that you are inspired by my stories and know there is a God that cares!
Jeanette Stark
Thanks for your interest in The Shield of Faith. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!
Grants Pass, Oregon
Stripe for a Stripe
Don't Put Words in My Mouth
Just a Drop
Rosy Airspace at Dark
It's Been Weighed
Let No One Put Asunder
It Was Just a Dream
Honey, Pass the Honey
A Bit Too Much Salt
Better Than a Bug in The Butter
Pigs Don't Wear Jewelry
Don't Forget To Love
The Land of No Sleep
The Best Spot Remover
Consume, Swill and Be Blissful
By the Epidermis of My Denticulation
Nothing New Here
What The Sign Says
Try This
Where Did That Come From?